TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300
Free delivery over 50 EUR to Finland
Product Code: Kvaser driver for Android
The Kvaser driver for Android device, enables you to connect Kvaser USB and Wifi interfaces to Android based tablets and smartphones and provides both Java and C/C++ API for making your own CAN Bus applications for Android based devices.
The drivers native Java API enables quick development of fresh GUI based applications, using the latest coding techniques and provides interoperability with standard Java development environments and libraries.
In addition to the native Java API, driver includes a Kvaser Canlib compatible, C/C++ API that lets you use legacy CAN libraries and source code stacks also on the Android™ platform. The C/C++ API is ideal for integrating Kvaser support into Qt based applications which are portable between Linux, Windows and Android™.
CANopen is a CAN Higher Layer Protocol used in industrial automation and off highway vehicles. The driver, with it’s Canlib compatible API enables the use of the Kvaser CANopen Stack on Android based platforms and can be used to create a wireless configuration tool or HMI for your CANopen network.
The Kvaser Android driver has been successfully used in many applications. e.g. Qt based wireless CANopen network configuration tool and truck driver training application running on Android tablet, e.g. the Scania WICkit – Wireless Instrument Cluster application.
Photo: Scania
The evaluation kit is for evaluation purposes. It includes one Kvaser Blackbird v2 and one license and limited support of Kvaser Android driver. It also provides a demo application for customer to quickly setup the CAN – WiFi or USB network. Contact info(at)tke.fi for quote!
Android is a registered trademark of google Inc. CANopen is a registered trademark of CAN in Automation(CiA)
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300