TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300
Free delivery to Finland on orders over 50 EUR
Product Code: CS Configurator
CAN Switch Configuration tool is an advanced but easy-to-use tool for configuring CAN switches
from TK Engineering.
CAN switch Configuration tool supports various CAN-interfaces from manufacturers Kvaser, PEAK and Vector. It supports XML, DCF and EDS files.
Configuration tool is a program which can be used to configure the TKE WCS-10 and TCS-10. E.g. the properties of the CAN port, ID routing, Port routing and firmware update.
User friendly and Easy-to-Use
CAN switch Configurator provides easy configuration. Configuration tool helps the user to configure CAN switches to the correct target position in the system by using XML configuration files together with DCF and EDS files. The graphical user interface is an intuitive way of configuring the different CAN-ports of the CAN switch.
Compatible with TKE WCS-10 and TCS-10 switches
CAN switch Configurator is a compatible and high-quality tool for configuring CAN switches TKE WCS-10 and TKE TCS-10 from TK Engineering.
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300