TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300
A small piece of top know-how can be the crucial factor for making progress
We organise training and courses for companies and educational establishments in specifically tailored packages. Our training is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. As well as tailored courses, we organise training that is open for anyone interested and announce these separately on our website.
We design our courses to meet the needs of the target group. The training is offered at either basic or expert level. The content of the courses is designed customer-specifically. We can focus in great detail on individual subjects, such as programming or trouble shooting, during the training. The training can also consist of instruction relating to the functionality of CAN technology at a more general level.
Training is available for single individuals or for a larger group. We also implement full-scale study modules for various educational establishments. In such cases, the courses can be formulated as basic training and advanced courses.
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