Softing mbGate PB
Product Code: GCA-EN-024808
Softing mbGate PB is Modbus TCP Server To Profibus PA/DP Master Gateway
Softing mbGate PB enables a simple connection of PROFIBUS Slave Devices to Modbus Control Systems via Internal I/O Mapping
With Softing mbGate PB it is possible to integrate up to 2 PROFIBUS PA segments and 1 PROFIBUS DP segment into Modbus TCP control systems. It acts as Modbus TCP Server and PROFIBUS Master. With our gateway the engineering costs can be reduced since it re-uses existing power conditioners in technology upgrade projects. It enables configuration, parameterization and plant asset management using standard industry tools.

Key Component for Transition to State-of-the-Art Technology
- Simple replacement of installed PROFIBUS DP/PA segment couplers
- Re-use of existing PROFIBUS segments without requiring modification
Direct Connectivity to PROFIBUS Segments
- Single access point to PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS PA segments from Modbus TCP networks
- Acting as Modbus TCP Server and PROFIBUS PA and PROFIBUS DP Master
- Support of one PROFIBUS DP segment and up to two PROFIBUS PA segments
Configuration, Parameterization and Plant Asset Management Using Standard Industry Tools
- Supports major Modbus engineering tools such as Schneider Unity Pro or Siemens TIA Portal
- Included CommDTM allowing use in FDT/DTM frame applications
- EDD-based device parametrization using Siemens Simatic PDM
MODBUS/TCP Redundancy
- Supports the use of two redundant PLCs and two redundant gateways
- Easily enabled via licensing
- Full control of redundant operation mode via engineering and PLC