TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300
Free delivery over 50 EUR to Finland
Product Code: 73-30130-00808-3
855,00 €
Kvaser Air Bridge Light HS is designed for environments or situations that make wired connection unsuitable or challenging e.g. between two moving parts that are connected by CAN.
Air Bridge Light HS is preconfigured pair of units that acts as a wireless CAN bridge. This interface is wireless CAN bridge and has internal antenna. Air Bridge Light HS is easy-to-use plug-and-play units to rapidly exchange raw CAN data. It is compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000 and DeviceNet.
This interface is also Driver Free and Configuration Free with High-Speed CAN Connection (compliant with ISO 11898-2), up to 1 Mbit/s. It supports both 11-bit (CAN2.0A) and 29- bit (CAN 2.0B active) identifiers.
Rugged Aluminum Housing is designed for though environments or situations that make wired connection unsuitable or challenging. IP65-rated aluminium housing, suitable for fixed outdoor installations. Extended operating temperature range from -40 to +70 °C
Air Bridge Light HS (00808-3) is approved for the European Union, while Kvaser Air Bridge Light HS (FCC) complies with US certification. Both share the same functionality but have different radio transmission schemes due to regulatory differences.
TK Engineering Oy
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 13 as 3
65100 Vaasa, Finland
Kauppakatu 3 B
33200 Tampere, Finland
Phone: +358 6 357 6300